EP available for download!

>> Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello hoomans!

Our EP is finally out of the womb, and available for download. Many of our friends contributed to the tracks, so the whole EP is really a love child of many brains.

Best part about it, besides being free? You can hear The Kaya Koks singing! Yipeeehh!

Track listing
1. First Time
2. Hate It
3. Oceans
4. Liberasi


Cover up

>> Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ok here's what we've been up to this weekend-- working on our EP cover design! Our original ideas got pushed aside for this baby :-)


ATKK goes to Japan! (well not *technically*......)

>> Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's no lie-- we've always loved Japan. Which is why we are super happy about being in abcdefg*record's compilation Merci Magazine with 10 other lovely bands! The CD also comes with a cute lil magazine digest on arts and nom nom noms.

Preorder starts now, and Merci Magazine #003 will soon be available at Amazon, HMV and Tower Records in Japan.

KONICHIWAAAAAAAAA! Take a listen to the sampler here:


Frosty the snowman was a KGB spy in Moscow

>> Thursday, December 24, 2009

This is how Christmas sounds like in our heads: KGB spies, exotic lands, Morse code signals, and a clever little wife.

Follow the story of Mrs Frosty, who is on a quest to find her husband, Frosty the snowman.

(Includes album art and story cards)

Track listing:
1. Frosty the snowman was a KGB spy in Moscow
2. Walking in a winter wonderland in China
3. Let it snow melancholy in Tuscany, Italy


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